Carousel Learning
Carousel Learning is a really useful quizzing website that we use in school to help children learn the content of our curriculum, in particular in Science, History, Geography and Spelling.
Class teachers in Years 3-6 will post links on Class Dojo to Carousel quizzes each week as part of homework that the children can complete.
Children will come to a screen that looks like the picture above. Children need to log on using their first and last name (it is not case-sensitive).
From there, the website will go to the above page. Children will have the opportunity to revise the topic given and then take the quiz. Revision will help children build their confidence, ready for the quiz.
The children will then take the quiz and upon finishing they must review their answers and then click submit (top right).
The weekly quizzes also form an important part of our teachers' formative assessment. So, please complete the quizzes to help us ensure all children make great progress through our curriculum. Thank you for your support.