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Online Safety

Online Safety Team

Mr Smallridge - E-Safety DSL (SLT Link)
Mrs Mayfield - Family Support DSL (Mental Health First Aider)
Mr Bird - Computing Lead

Mr Grant - PSHE Lead


At The Redeemer, we want our children to be responsible users of the internet, protecting their own data and always using the internet appropriately. 

We consider this a fundamental aspect of our safeguarding of children in our care. As a result, we work with all Online safety incidents inside of school and also issues outside of school that are brought to our attention. 

In order to keep our children safe, we educate them about the best way to use the internet as well as the potential dangers children can be exposed to. 

Every year,  our children complete an Online Safety unit in Computing to build up an understanding of what being safe on the internet means. It is also a subject covered across our PSHE curriculum to help reinforce our key messages.

If there are any e-safety issues your child or yourself is concerned about please contact a member of the E-Safety Team or their class teacher. 

Our Online Safety Curriculum

At The Redeemer, Online Safety is taught at the start of every half term in a Computing lesson. Each lesson follows the same key concept for the year, which will help to keep our children safe online

We teach one lesson at the start of every half term to promote Online Safety throughout the year and give the children the opportunity to re-visit and remember the key concepts and ideas to keep them safe online. These ideas are also reinforced during PSHE lessons and Class Focus lessons - lessons that are a response to a particular issue in class. 

This curriculum has been built following consultation with staff, governors, children and parents/carers. We recognise that Online Safety proposes an ever-changing challenge and ensure that our curriculum is updated to meet those challenges and keep all of our children safe online. 


Online Safety Bulletins


To help our children we use the acronym SMART to help reinforce key messages about keeping safe on the internet.


Contemporary Issues

This page is also used to keep up to date information of contemporary issues that can threaten a child's safety online. If you feel that there is another issue that should be brought to the attention of the school community then please get in touch with a member of our E-Safety team.