Mini Police
We have been really lucky to have been partnered with Lancashire Mini Police last year as we work together to keep our community safe and thriving. This means that throughout the last year our Redeemer Mini Police met with Lancashire Police to learn about how the police work in our community and also discuss how to improve things in our area.
Twenty children from Years 5 and 6 were selected to join The Redeemer Mini Police. The children had to write letters to apply for this position, explaining why they would be good for the role and what they would like to do as a member of the Mini Police.
Upon joining the Mini Police, all children were presented with a uniform to wear for the meetings and took part in a swearing in process in front of the whole school during Friday morning worship. They all swore an oath to be a responsible member of the Mini Police and promised to do their best to help the community.
How to save a life
The children learned about how all of the police are trained in CPR and lifesaving methods to help people in the community. The children all learned how to administer CPR and practised on the same dummies that the police use.
The Use of Force
The police came in to school to look at the different equipment that the police use and when they might need to use it. They spoke of the responsibility that comes with such equipment and the need to always assess when the use force and when not to.
What should we fix in the community?
The children met during lunchtime to discuss what issue they would like to combat in the community. After much discussion, the team chose vandalism, talking about how parts of our school playground had been vandalised during the holidays.
We then met with the mini-police and discussed where and when these problems arose and what could be done to limit it.
Helping our Community
The Mini Police then took part in a site survey of school, identifying weak points in our gates and noted down what could be done to fix them. We also produced a letter to our neighbours to ask them for their help in keeping vandals off our site. Some children also produced posters which will be displayed around school to warn anyone about coming on site.
At our next Mini Police meeting, we identified the field as an area for improvement in our school defences so are no contacting the council to ask them for help in growing better defences around the field.
Spreading the Word
After identifying the field as an area for improvement, the Mini Police set about raising awareness. They did this by taking an assembly in school, talking to their classes and leafleting around the estate.
At The Redeemer, we were delighted to host all the local Mini Police forces across Blackburn and Darwen. During this celebration, the different community groups spoke about what they have achieved and the difference they have made to their school and the wider area.