English Reading
Our Pupil's Perspective:
"In Guided Reading, we explore new worlds and learn amazing facts"
Subject Leadership:
Curriculum Intent:
At The Redeemer, we are committed to ensuring every child leaves school being able to read and with a lifelong passion for reading. From EYFS, we ensure children are taught phonics to act as a gateway towards reading. Going into KS2, after our children have gained a good phonic understanding, we use reading as a means of broadening the horizons of our children, exposing them to new authors and genres, reinforcing our curriculum and helping our children to develop a rich understanding and knowledge of the world. Together with our extra-curricular work - the school library, reading leaders/buddies and class novel - our reading curriculum is designed to leave our children able to confidently choose and enjoy their own book choices from the wealth of quality texts English literature has to offer.